Fusion Day Spa

I work in downtown Washington, DC. If you know DC, then you know that traffic here leaves a lot to be desired. With traffic so bad, it’s really hard to get any type of personal business done during the work week. I can’t really get anything done in my hour lunch break since I really can’t go anywhere.

How GREAT is it that there is a full service “spa” salon right downtown and near my job! I can walk over to Fusion anytime I want, which is what made me stop by to begin with.

I stopped by Fusion Day Spa because I was in desperate need of some eyebrow care. Years and years of waxing too thin have thinned out the hair at the ends of my brows – so from a distance I look like my eyebrows disappear in the middle of my eye. I really needed someone to help nurse my eyebrows back to life.

The person I see is Debbie. She’s really friendly, great to talk to, and she owns the shop! I always get treated really well 🙂

Debbie has done a great job in helping to grow back my eyebrows. Since I’m missing so much hair, I get it done no more than once a month. In fact, I try to let it grow out as much as possible (til I look like what I call a hair monster, lol) so that she has more hair to work with.

Removing my Up Do

Well, I’ve realized that there aren’t going to be a lot of up-do’s for me. My hair is way too heavy and my scalp is waaay too sensitive.

First, the style itched horribly. It itched because she didn’t put enough (or any!) oil on my scalp. It itched because it was braided and pulled too tight. And it itched cause my hair was coming out by the roots!

No, seriously. Out by the roots.

Second, my hair was being pulled out. When I was getting my hair done, I told the stylist that my hair felt too tight, especially around the back. She told me it felt that way because I never wear my hair in that particular style. It would take me a little while to get used to it and I’d be fine. I could believe that – any girl who has gotten her hair braided has experienced this same phenomena. So I went home, expecting that it would stop feeling that way. Except it never stopped. The next morning the back of my head was a little sore – like it was being pulled. I oiled my scalp as best I could but the center was driving me mad. I kept reaching up to rub the back of my hair. But I was going to try to keep it in – since this was a trial for my wedding and I was going to wear it from my home in DC to my wedding location in VA and then into my honeymoon. Surely it had to last at least a week!

I made myself wear the style for at least 4 days (I was told it would wear for two weeks). After that one week I couldn’t take it anymore. I took down the bun from hell and unbraided my hair.

I have to admit – the crinkles are great.